Membership of the Arts Society Hamburg
Becoming a member means
- free admission to Arts Society lectures,
- priority for members to some events, and
- the right to stand for the committee.
To answer the most frequent question first: you don't have to become a member to attend our lectures, they are open to everyone. However as a guest you will have to pay an entrance fee of €15 (students €5). Some special events may be open to members only.
If you don’t want to commit yourself to long-term membership, it’s no problem. Membership is renewed each year and when receiving the new programme for the coming year you just inform the Arts Society Membership Secretary whether you wish to renew or cancel without any further obligation.
As already mentioned, guests are welcome to any lecture and most of the other events against payment of a guest fee.
Renewal of Membership
If you wish to renew your membership please transfer your subscription fee to the following bank account:
The Arts Society Hamburg
- Account no. 1253120347, BLZ 20050550 (Hamburger Sparkasse)
- IBAN: DE37 2005 0550 1253 1203 47